manymanymany varia websites

This parallel universe lives here:{crazy title}/ and Anyone that is comfortable with Pelican can just copy a folder in the git, and make their own version of the website.

There is a git hook listening to every push, which will build your work-in-progress into a online website here!!!

(also!) Follow along on the pad:

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  • Looking Back - Varia Anniversary
    2018-11-09 20:00
    Published at 09 November 2018

    It is a rule of life that everything that moves forward, must also one day also look back. Varia is no exception to this truism and that is why we are going to celebrate the first anniversary of our residence at the Gouwstraat.

    You are welcome to join us, feast on our exclusive varia drinks and enjoy nostalgic memories of varia's past and future!

    Thanks to the DJ skills of Newk and DJ USB, plus the rare appearance of the varia karaoke set, this will surely be a night to help you remember!

    Date: Friday, 9 November 2018
    Door: 20:00