manymanymany varia websites

This parallel universe lives here:{crazy title}/ and Anyone that is comfortable with Pelican can just copy a folder in the git, and make their own version of the website.

There is a git hook listening to every push, which will build your work-in-progress into a online website here!!!

(also!) Follow along on the pad:

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  • New Year's reception
    2018-01-19 18:00
    Published at 19 January 2018

    Varia has big plans for 2018! We would like to share these with you during a special New Year’s reception as part of the season opening of the galleries and projectspaces in Oud Charlois. Besides drinks and salty snacks, there will be a special robomop-performance.

    date: Friday, 19th of January start: 18:00h
    performance: 21:00h