manymanymany varia websites

This parallel universe lives here:{crazy title}/ and Anyone that is comfortable with Pelican can just copy a folder in the git, and make their own version of the website.

There is a git hook listening to every push, which will build your work-in-progress into a online website here!!!

(also!) Follow along on the pad:

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  • Ctrl-Alt-Save

    Ever had a hard-drive crash? lost data? cloud back did not really backup? Time Machine did not have a past do go back to? Many questions around backup and data storage exist and many issues need to be resolved. From large database to a small personal collection, data storage affects everyone and many so-called solutions exist but are they really solutions?

    At the first Ctrl-Alt-Save meetup at Varia, many of these questions might become more clear for you.

    The focus of the first meetup will be on your data and how you can manage it better and more securely based on your interests and current issues. No solution guaranteed, but a possible better understanding of the topic.

    Ctrl-Alt-S will be a series of events and meet-ups at Varia in 2020 and will be shaped by the feedback and comments of the attendees. The meet-ups will be in English.

    Date: February 21, 2020
    Time: 11:00 - 16:00