manymanymany varia websites

This parallel universe lives here:{crazy title}/ and Anyone that is comfortable with Pelican can just copy a folder in the git, and make their own version of the website.

There is a git hook listening to every push, which will build your work-in-progress into a online website here!!!

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  • Heath Bunting - in conversation with the Voluntary Fire Brigade of the Apocalypse

    Heath Bunting is an artist based in the UK who, for more than thirty years, has questioned and undermined systems of control and communication. He began as a street artist putting up fly posters in public spaces, belonged to the first generation of net.artists in the 1990s where he found (and ran the server of), but turned away from the Internet in 1998, seeing its corporate takeover as early as in that year.

    He set up several radio stations, collaborated with Kate Rich on alternative distribution systems for goods and workshops for trespassing private property. For his "Identity Bureau', he investigated ways for people to legally obtain a new names and identities using loopholes in the bureaucracies of Western countries (and gave an Identity Bureau workshop in 2014 at Wlfrt Projectspace Rotterdam). In his daily life and travels, he strictly avoids use of electronic systems that make him traceable, including bank cards and mobile phones.

    The above is only a small fraction of his activities in working against control systems. Florian Cramer will have a two-hour conversation with Heath Bunting on his past and present projects, with the aim to share Heath's knowledge and experience with the audience. This will be followed, at 16.00, by heath's critical feedback on the current activities of the Voluntary Fire Brigade of the Apocalypse in Rotterdam.


    14.00-16.00: Thirty years of researching and working against control systems - conversation & project review with Heath Bunting
    16.00-17.00: Feedback on the Voluntary Fire Brigade of the Apocalypse
    17.00-19.00: break with coffee, tea, soup
    19.00: DJ set by Jacco Weener

    date: February 17, 2020 entry: free or donation